Monday, April 26, 2010

Being a Neurosurgeon

Being a neurosurgeon isn't easy work. You have to have brains and guts inorder to be successful at this job. A neurosurgeon is someone who specializes in operating surgery on the brain, skull and spinal cord. They also undertake operations for bleeding inside the skull caused by conditions such as head injuries, brain aneurysms, tumors and swellings of the puturity glands. Now me personally could not do this career at all. They have to be able to stay calm at all times knowing that if something goes wrong the person they are operating on can die. Also it takes many years of schooling and practice, which i cant handle. Inorder to be a neurosurgeon you must have excellent communication skiils, emotional strentgh and maturity. Becoming a neurosurgeon isn't as easy as deciding to go to medical school and specializing in that field. Neurosurgery residency programs are very competitive and the students chosen are usually in the top of their class.Neurosurgeons deal mostly with brain and spinal cord disorders. The general salary falls between $250,000 and $500,000 annually. Neurosurgeons can spend between 6 to 8 years in a residency program, then three more in a fellowship. When your a neurosurgeon, when you have helped someine and saved their life it is a wonderful feeling. It absolutely warms your heart when someone comes back after saving their life and say thank you. so, even though it takes hard work and decication when you save some one's life it is a wonderful feeling.

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